Convention 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses “Powerful by Faith!”
How much can You benefit from the 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
What did you prefer? To be Powerful or weak?
But how can you get Powerful?
Powerful by Faith
The 2021 three-day Convention presented by Jehovah’s Witnesses has the theme “Powerful by Faith!”
So, don’t miss any part of the Convention program. And learn how to build and strengthen your Faith at the 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
But, do you find it easy to put faith in something you cannot see?
However real faith is not blind. Real faith is built on realities.
On Facts.
And on Truths.
Real Faith is a treasure! Because…
How much you would treasure Joy, a purposeful life, Strength, Peace, Endurance, Courage, help to face the many challenges in life?
Real faith brings us
real joy. And give us strength. Real faith brings us courage. And can help us to endure. Real faith can provide peace. Even when life gets hard. And real faith reminds us of our purpose.
And real faith will make you more powerful than your challenges (Matthew 17:20; 21:21, 22; Luke 17:5, 6; Mark 11:23). This are just some reasons why real Faith is a treasure (John 3:36).
So, join Jehovah’s Witnesses for the “Powerful by Faith!” Convention.
The Convention 2021 from Jehovah’s Witnesses was presented on JW Broadcasting
Normally the 3-day regional Convention and international Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses were held in big stadiums or in big halls. But because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the Convention 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses was presented Online on JW Broadcasting in July 2021 and August 2021.
Enjoy the Convention program 2021 on
You can enjoy the Convention program 2021 on
Do you have the JW Library App?
Then you can enjoy the “Powerful by Faith” Convention on your JW Library App. The official App from Jehovah’s Witnesses for Smartphone and Computer.
Do you have to pay for the JW Convention program 2021?
No. Jehovah’s Witnesses warmly invite you to watch the 2021 convention program. You can enjoy the whole convention program 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses for free. To watch the 2021 JW Convention program, you do not need to Login. And no Registration is required.
Where to find the JW Convention program on and in the JW Library App?
There are different possibilities to watch or download the Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention 2021. For example try the following: on click “Library” and then “Videos”. Here you find the latest Videos. And you find Video Categories. Choose “Programs and Events”. And look for the 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” Convention. In the JW Library App click “Programs and Events” in the “Video” Menu. And look for the 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” Convention.
Also you can use the search field on
If you are on this website of you can also click Here, to come directly to the videos of the 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses. There you can choose the video, you want to watch. For example from the Friday Morning Session Part 1 or Part 2.
2021 Convention Program on
You can read and download the complete program schedule of the 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses on The official website from Jehovah’s Witnesses. On click on “About Us” and choose “Convention”. In the 2021 Convention Program you can find the complete 2021 Convention Program. With all songs for the 2021 JW Convention. Which you can sing during the 2021 Convention Program.
See this Video on about the Powerful by Faith Convention
On watch a short Video about the 2021 “Powerful by Faith”Convention .
Trailer about the Feature Bible Drama about Daniel
On you can also watch the Feature Bible Drama Trailer “Daniel: A Lifetime of Faith”. In this little trailer you can already see the great quality of the Feature Bible Drama about Daniel.
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021 “Powerful by Faith!”: Dates and Program
6 Music-Video Presentations and 18 songs
Every Morning and Afternoon program starts with a Music-Video Presentation.
Also you can enjoy singing 18 songs during the 2021 JW Convention.
Convention 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses: Friday Morning Program
The Friday morning sessions of the Convention 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses you can watch and download on Click Here, to come directly to the Video of the Friday Morning Session Part 1. Click here, to come directly to the video of the Friday Morning Session Part 2.
The Theme Scripture for the Convention Program from Friday is Luke 17:5 “Give us more faith”.
The Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021 starts with a beautiful music video presentation.
The 1st JW Convention talk we can enjoy has the theme “How Powerful Is Faith?”
After it we can watch, why we can have faith in the existence of God, in God’s word, God’s moral standards and God’s love.
After it we can listen to a dramatic Bible reading about: “Noah: Faith moved him to Obey.”
The last talk of the Friday morning program has the theme “Have Faith and do not Doubt”.
JW Convention 2021: Friday Afternoon Program
The Friday afternoon sessions of the Convention 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses you can watch and download in more than 400 languages on And you can enjoy the Convention program also on the JW Library App.
Click Here, to come directly to the 1st part of the Friday Afternoon Program of the JW Convention 2021.
Click Here, to come directly to the 2nd part of the Friday Afternoon Program of the Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention 2021.
In the Friday Afternoon session of the Convention 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses you can enjoy the Symposium “Use Creation to Build Your Faith”
Stars (Isaiah 40:26)
Oceans (Psalm 93:4)
Forests (Psalm 37:10, 11, 29)
Wind and
Water (Psalm 147:17, 18)
Sea Creatures (Psalm 104:27, 28)
Our Bodies (Isaiah 33:24)
After that comes the talk “Jehovah’s Powerful Works Inspire Faith”
And then the next Symposium “Imitate the Faithful, Not the Faithless.”
Abel, Not Cain
Enoch, not Lamech
Noah, not his Neighbors
Moses, not Pharaoh
Jesus Disciples, not the Pharisees
The Friday Afternoon program ends with the talk “Keep testing whether you are in the Faith: How?
Convention 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses: Saturday Morning Program
The Saturday morning sessions of the Convention 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses you can watch and download in more than 400 languages on on July 24, 2021 (or a few days earlier).
The Theme Scripture for the Convention Program from Saturday is Jude 3 “Put up a hard fight for the faith”
The Saturday morning program of the 2021 Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses starts with the Symposium “Remember: faithless People can acquire Faith!”
The Ninevites
Jesus fleshly Brothers
Prominent Once
Nonreligious people
Then comes the Talk “Build Faith Using Enjoy Life Forever”. The new publication from Jehovah’s Witnesses “Enjoy Life Forever” is an interactive Bible course. With many, many videos.
The next Symposium has the theme “Successful Fighters for the Faith.”
Those with unbelieving Mates
Those being raised with single Parents
Single Christians
Then comes the baptism talk “Exercising Faith means everlasting Life!”
Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention 2021: Saturday Afternoon Program
The Saturday afternoon sessions of the Convention 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses you can watch and download in more than 400 languages on on July 31, 2021 (or a few days earlier).
The Saturday afternoon sessions starts with the Symposium “How our brothers are showing Faith in…”
North America
South America
The next symposium has the theme “Enter the door to Activity in Faith.”
Learn a new language
Move to where the Need is greater
Apply for the School for Kingdom Evangelizers
Assist with a Theocratic Building Project
Set something aside for Jehovahs work.
Feature Bible Drama about the prophet Daniel
You can enjoy the 1st part of the drama about the prophet Daniel. In the Bible drama, presented in the Saturday and Sunday sessions, take note of how the prophet Daniel reacted to temptations, ridicule, and trials.
The last talk of the Saturday afternoon program has the theme “Put up a hard fight for the Faith!”
Convention 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses: Sunday Morning Program
The Theme Scripture for the Convention Program from Sunday is Matthew 21:21: “If you have faith…, it will happen”.
The Sunday morning sessions of the Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses for 2021 you can watch and download in more than 400 languages on on August 14, 2021 (or a few days earlier).
In the Sunday Morning sessions, you can enjoy the Symposium “Imitate woman of strong Faith!”
The captive Israelite Girl
Mary, the mother of Jesus
The phoenician Women
Modern-Day Examples
In the Bible-based talk “Have Faith in the Good News” you can get answers to the questions: “What is the good news?” (Mark 1:14, 15) and “Can we trust it?”
Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention 2021: Sunday Afternoon Program
The Sunday afternoon sessions of the Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses for 2021 you can watch and download in many languages on on August 21, 2021 (or a few days earlier).
Feature Bible Drama about Daniel Part 2: A Lifetime of Faith
In the Sunday afternoon program you can enjoy part 2 of the Bible drama about the prophet Daniel. Based on Daniel 5:1-6:28 and Daniel 10:1-12:13.
The last talk of the JW 2021 Convention has the theme “Become Powerful by your Faith!”
Original Song “With Eyes of Faith”
At the end of the JW Convention 2021 you can enjoy singing the new Original Song “With Eyes of Faith” .
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021 Powerful by Faith for the Blind and visually impaired
Blind and visually impaired people can get a special Convention Program 2021 from Jehovah’s Witnesses. If you need this special program for the blind and visually impaired, ask anyone of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Or contact Jehovah’s Witnesses on the website On click “About Us” and then “Contact Us”.
Invitation for the Convention 2021
Maybe you get even a letter from Jehovah’s Witnesses with an Invitation for the 2021 JW “Powerful by Faith!” Convention. Because in July and August 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses invite or encourage many Millions to watch the 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses Convention.
“Powerful by Faith!” Convention Invitation
Video about the Conventions from Jehovah’s Witnesses
Also, on the website from Jehovah’s Witnesses you can watch a clip from the video about the annual Conventions from Jehovah’s Witnesses. With the title “Jehovah’s Witnesses: Organized to Share the Good News”.
Convention 2020 Jehovah’s Witnesses “Always Rejoice”
The Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2020 had the theme “Always Rejoice”. On you can read Info about the Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2020″Always Rejoice”. The Convention 2020 of Jehovah’s Witnesses you can watch Online on in many languages.
How to call the Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021?
The Convention 2021 of Jehovah’s Witnesses could be called with different names. For example the “JW Convention 2021”, the 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Convention 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses, Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021, the “Powerful by Faith!” Convention or other possibilities. And then there are maybe a little bit wrong names like Jehovah Witness Convention 2021 or Convention 2021 Jehovah Witness. It’s a little bit wrong, because you don’t say Jehovah Witness. But Jehovah’s Witnesses.
#JehovahsWitnesses #ConventionJehovahsWitnesses
A Video about the Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021 “Powerful by Faith!” on YouTube
You can watch a video about the Convention 2021 from Jehovah’s Witnesses “Powerful by Faith!” on YouTube.
Websites Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses: what happens at the Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses?
Regional Convention, Circuit Assembly, International Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses: Experience
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2025
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2024
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2023 “Exercise Patience”
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2022 “Pursue Peace”
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2021 “Powerful by Faith”
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2020 “Always Rejoice”
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2019 “Love never fails”
Convention Jehovah’s Witnesses 2018 “Be Courageous”
On Jehovah’s Witnesses Conventions
On Music video about Conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses