Did you view the cross as the symbol of Christianity? Should it be? Should the cross be worn or be displayed in homes and churches?
Did Jesus die on a cross? What some people think?
Some people think, that Roman soldiers executed Jesus Christ by hanging Jesus on a cross. In the sense that the cross was made of two pieces of wood.
Did Jesus Christ really die on the cross? What does the Bible say
In the Bible we can read (in the Bible Book Acts 5:30), that Jesus was executed “by hanging on a tree” (The New Jerusalem Bible). In the Bible we find two words. To describe the instrument of Jesus’ death. Both of the words suggest one piece of wood. Not two Pieces of wood.
Did Jesus Christ on the cross? More information and: What Jehovah’s Witnesses say
Jehovah’s Witnesses say what we find in God’s word, the Bible. Read more information from Jehovah’s Witnesses. And find out what Jehovah’s Witnesses say.
Also an article in the Awake magazine from Jehovah’s Witnesses: https://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/awake-no2-2017-april/the-cross-is-it-biblical/