People have different ideas of about how to know our future. What do you think? Is there a way to know for sure what the future will be?
Can Fortune-telling help?
Today Fortune-telling is popular. But most people would admit that Fortune-telling is not reliable.
Predicting the Future with hundred percent accuracy
Did you know that Someone foretold the future with hundred percent accuracy? Notice what we find in the most distributed book in the world, in the Bible: “From the beginning I foretell the outcome, and from long ago the things that have not yet been done” (The Bible, Isaiah 46:10, New World Translation of the holy Scriptures).
What is he able to foretell?
What is the author of the Bible, Jehovah God, able to foretell? According to this Scripture in the Bible “things that have not yet been done”. And: from long ago. And important is: all his prophecies are hundred percent accurate.

How to know our Future? Can we find out our future with hundred percent accuracy? Someone foretold the future with hundred percent accuracy! Who is it? #Future