
What is the Bible? What does the Bible contain? What is the Bible about? Who wrote the Bible? Is the Bible God's word? When was the Bible written?
What is the Bible? When was the Bible written? Who wrote the Bible? Is the Bible God’s word? What does the Bible contain? What is the Bible about?

What is the Bible?

The word Bible comes from the Greek word biblia, which means “little books”. In time the word biblia described the collection of 66 smaller books. Which made up together the Bible.

When was the Bible written?

The Bible was written over a period of approximately 1600 years. Beginning from the Bible book of Genesis. Which was completed about 1513 B.C.E. And the last Bible book, Revelation, was completed about 96 C.E..

Who wrote the Bible? Is the Bible God’s word?

The Bible is God’s word for mankind. But God used approximately 40 different man to write down the Bible. For example King David, Moses, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But God himself put his thoughts into the minds of this writer’s. So that the Bible writers recorded God’s message.
We can read in the Bible: “(2 Timothy 3:16) All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,”.
This is similar to a businessman which directs his secretary to write a message.

What does the Bible contain? What is the Bible about?

The Bible contains a divine message from Almighty God. In the Bible, God reveals his name, Jehovah: “(Psalm 83:18) May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.”
Jehovah God invites humans to get to know him through the Bible.
In the Bible we can find out God’s purpose for mankind and the earth. For example, that Jehovah God will eliminate all causes of human suffering in the nearby future. Jehovah will restore his reputation and his good name.
In the Bible we can find practical advice for our daily life. For example for maintaining good relationships with others and enjoying a happy marriage.