
Jehovah is the name of God Almighty. God’s name Jehovah appears in the Bible more than 7000 times. For example we can read in the Bible: “(Psalm 83:18) May people know that you, whose name is Jehovah, You alone are the Most High over all the earth.”

What is necessary to please Jehovah God?

What is necessary for every Christian to please Jesus Christ and Jehovah God? How can Christians or Jehovah’s Witnesses feel more joy, happiness and satisfaction in their life?

What is necessary to follow Jesus Christ? Godly qualities are needed to please Jehovah God

2023-06-11T18:00:49+02:00August 8th, 2018|Categories: Jesus Christ|Tags: , , |

What is necessary to follow Jesus Christ? What is necessary to follow Jesus Christ? What is necessary to please Almighty God Jehovah? How can we feel all the more joy, happiness and satisfaction? To follow Jesus Christ, it is necessary to find and go the way, which leads to everlasting life. Jesus Christ described 2 ways, [...]

Jesus Christ: who is Jesus Christ? What does the Bible tell us about Jesus?

2022-05-06T11:31:27+02:00March 28th, 2018|Categories: Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus Christ|Tags: |

Jesus Christ: Info about Jesus Christ. What we can learn about Jesus in God's word, the Bible What does the Bible tell us about Jesus Christ? Jesus Christ is the name and the title of the son of God. Jesus is called the son of God, because Jesus was created by Jehovah God. Jesus is his [...]

Good News of the Kingdom

2023-04-21T11:27:16+02:00December 15th, 2017|Categories: Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: |

The good News from the Bible, which is preached today through Jehovah's Witnesses Did you ever wonder what Jehovah's Witnesses preach worldwide? This is a really interesting question! Because every year Jehovah's Witnesses preach hundreds of millions hours the messages of the Bible. In all the inhabited earth. In more than 1000 languages. Through this global [...]

Bible Translation Jehovah’s Witnesses: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures

2022-02-06T15:43:44+02:00November 13th, 2017|Categories: Jehovah, Jehovah's Witnesses|Tags: |

The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures is a Bible Translation from Jehovah's Witnesses: easy to understand. Accurate. Translated in part or in whole in over 150 languages. With clear wording. Free of charge. Jehovah’s Witnesses Bible Translation: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures Thankful for the easy to read and accurate [...]

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