What is a Governing Body Update from Jehovah's Witnesses? How can you find the Videos of the Governing Body Update’s from Jehovah's Witnesses?

Governing Body Update Jehovah’s Witnesses

What is a Governing Body Update from Jehovah’s Witnesses? How can you find the Videos of the Governing Body Update’s from Jehovah’s Witnesses?

What is a Governing Body Update from Jehovah’s Witnesses?

A Governing Body Update from Jehovah’s Witnesses is a report from Jehovah’s Witnesses. With News and Announcements. Presented from a Governing Body member. Governing Body Update’s are presented regularly since 2020. After the Coronavirus pandemic started.

How can you find the Videos of the Governing Body Update from Jehovah’s Witnesses?

You can search for the Governing Body Update’s on JW.org. The website from Jehovah’s Witnesses. You find the Governing Body Update’s on JW.org also under JW Broadcasting and there in the section News and Announcements. Or on the JW Library App.

Where did you find the Governing Body Update’s on the JW Library App?

If you don’t have the JW Library App, you can Download your free copy of the JW Library. You can download the JW Library App on your smartphone or computer. Press the button for the JW Library App. This will open the JW Library App on your smartphone.
Press Library, then Video, then JW Broadcasting. And in the News and Announcements you find the Governing Body Update’s.

What did you find in a Governing Body Update from Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Here is an example from what you may find in a Governing Body Update from Jehovah’s Witnesses:

2023 Governing Body Update Number 4

In the 2023 Governing Body Update Number 4 Gage Fleegle, a Governing Body member from Jehovah’s Witnesses present a report from the 2023 in-person regional Convention “Exercise Patience”. In this report from the Convention 2023 several visitors are interviewed.
Also, Gage Fleegle, make the announcement for Special Convention’s in 2024.
Before that in the Governing Body Update number 4 2023 it is discussed how Jehovah God provides spiritual protection.

2023 Governing Body Update #3

The 2023 Governing Body Update number 3 was presented from Jeffrey Winter. Jeffrey Winter is a new Governing Body member of since 2023. The number 3 Governing Body Update in 2023 was for example about trials and tragedies.
Also about the Memorial of Jesus Christ’s death.
In the Governing Body Update you could see a report about the shooting in a Kingdom Hall in Germany, Hamburg in March 2023.
One report was about cyclone Freddie. Which struct East Africa in February and March 2023.
This Governing Body Update provided also an answer to the question, how Jehovah’s Witnesses can benefit from the help of Almighty God Jehovah. In times of distress. When trials or tragedy strikes. Beginning in the 7th minute of the Governing Body Update.
A report was given about the Bahamas. Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Bahamas suffered 2019 from a category 5 hurricane.
In this report about the Bahamas you can see how Jehovah’s Witnesses supported each other through that trial.

Announcement of playlists in JW Library

At the conclusion of the 2023 Governing Body Update #3 a new feature in JW Library was announced. JW Library will soon support playlists in the personal study tap. With the new feature of playlists in JW Library you will be able to add videos, audio programs and pictures to personal playlists. The feature of playlists in JW Library make it possible to add for example your personal favorite theocratic Songs from Jehovah’s Witnesses. Or a playlist for videos, which you want to use for a certain purpose. In this way Jehovah’s Witnesses can make a playlist for their ministry. Or a playlist for pictures. Which can be used for a talk, presented in a meeting from Jehovah’s Witnesses. This playlist of pictures can be shared with the Audio Video support brothers in a congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. In which the talk will be presented. The Audio Video support brothers can use then the pictures in JW Library to display the pictures.

2023 Governing Body Update Number 2

The 2023 Governing Body Update #2 was presented from Kenneth Cook. A Governing Body member from Jehovah’s Witnesses.
In this Governing Body Update you can find for example an interview with Gage Fleegle and Jeffrey Winter. Gage Fleegle and Jeffrey Winter were appointed to serve as members of the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses in January 18, 2023.

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